December 2
Friday. That means pizza! Most Fridays we make it easy for ourselves and have pizza for supper -- cheap, Target, cheese pizza, and we add fresh garlic and green olives. Tonight we also had wine and beer!
My december 2011 in photos group asked us to take photos of trash today -- so the photo to the right is what I chose to upload to the group.
The rest of the books I ordered for
our new family tradition came today! Yay! Now to wrap them and make the tags for them! Also in the box are the books that I ordered to give as Christmas presents for my daughters, son-in-law and our nieces and nephews. Also a yay! Three other packages came today, one for my soul mate and two for me. They are mostly gifts for the girls (M. and B.)! Lots of wrapping to do, and the tree isn't even up!
Tonight we spent some time downstairs. I was making tags for the books, C. was playing guitar, and we were both playing with our sweet B...multitasking. We had coffee and tea and eggs and cupcakes all prepared and delivered by B. She danced and used Daddy's electric guitar cables as a jump rope, or made 'snakes' with them. I took a few pics of the evening, most didn't turn out as well as I'd like -- not sure which photo from this day I will use in my December Daily -- but my book isn't here yet, so I guess I have time.
December 3
I REALLY thought the album that I am using for my December Daily would be here today!! How long does it take to ship from California??? Seriously, Elise did her job -- it was shipped Monday morning. Still not here. I'm anxious to get started...until then, just the stories.
Today is CHRISTMAS TREE DAY! It just so happens that another group I am in (called We're Here -- we call ourselves 'The Hereios'), had a "too much stuff" theme today. Totally fit my day!!!!
too much stuff |
We put up the tree and hung the stockings. You'll have to wait for those pics, as I haven't had time to go through them much yet (and there are quite a few). (I like how I say "you'll have to wait" as if there are people waiting on pins and needles to read this stuff -- especially since I only have one follower -- well, two if you include me -- Hi Julie)! Here are the stories:
1. We had a light emergency! None of the strands we used last year worked!!! Luckily my mom just purchased a lighted tree and was trying to get rid of the lights she no longer needs so she ran them down to me! Whew! Thanks Mom!
2. After I got the lights the way I wanted them (I'm kinda picky about them), I noticed there was one burnt out. I had some extras, so I pulled it out to replace it. However, I think I wasn't supposed to do that because it didn't come out correctly. SO....I had to take that strand off (in the middle of the tree, not the top, not the bottom, the middle) and replace the whole strand with another. Bleh. Minor setback. We forged ahead.
3. When the lights were satisfactory, we opened the box of ornaments. B. noticed the two strands of beads and immediately decided we should jump rope with them! (She is on a jumping rope kick -- it's really NOT jumping rope -- it's jumping up and down and flinging something like a rope around, sometimes hitting things with it) After a few jumps and then tears when we put them on the tree, she was fine. Whew!
4. Next, the balls. Our tree has pink, lime green, blue, red and orange (of course) balls on it. The strand of beads is also lime green and so is the bow on the top! I used to have a more "tranditional, country" type tree, but the last couple of years I decide on this change! I like it, but may go back someday. It fits us now, and matches the furniture! LOL. B. was hilarious helping with the balls! She has been on this kick about colors, pink is her favorite, green is C.'s and orange, of course, is mine. So...she thinks EVERYTHING pink is hers. Likewise everything green is Daddy's and everything orange is Mommy's. So, with each ball she would say, "That's my ball", "That's, B's", "That's Daddy's", etc. AND, of course there were a zillion balls on the bottom third of the tree, multiple balls on each branch, and colors in bunches instead of spread across the tree. But, I was proud of myself. I'm usually pretty picky about that stuff, but I let them stay. C. couldn't stand it, though. He moved a few eventually. It's still quite full on the bottom third though. She has had a difficult time keeping her hands off them.
5. My photos didn't come out as well as I'd liked. C. took some that were better. At least I'll have some!
6. B. wore a cute little Elmo top with a hood that has white fur on it today. So...we decided the red balls on the tree were Elmo's.
7. More packages arrived -- but no december daily album (but I already said that).
8. While C. put B. down for bed, I made a quick run to Target for a few items. When I went through check out, the lady (that I apparently see often) said, "I was worried that you weren't going to be here today". I should probably go to Target less often!
9. I finished all the tags for the books -- and got them all wrapped. FUN! Our book today was called
Santa Duck and his merry helpers. Also fun!
December 4
Today M. (my 20 month old granddaughter) was with us for about five hours while her daddy was working and her mommy was at a party watching the Vikings lose, again. We enjoyed her. The girls slept at the same time for nearly two hours, which was also good! A miracle even.
We opened B.'s book of the day while M. was here. I let her because I knew that today was actually four little board books with Elmo. They read them. I think I read
Goodnight Moon nearly twenty times as well. When we were done reading it, M. picked up the book and started saying, "Night, Night" and flipping the pages! It was cute! She doesn't talk as much as B., what a difference seven months makes! But she is saying more words and phrases that I understand. B. was extra bossy, of course. When B. was eating supper tonight she said (unsolicited), "I had fun with M."
My favorite part of the day was probably when we watched part of a movie on the couch. I was laying down with M snuggled up beside me. Then B. had to be a part of it, so she laid kind of on me and on the pillows behind me, so she could still see, but also have access to my hair to play with it (wonder if she'll still be doing that when she goes to college)! C. grabbed the camera a took a few shots. Even though I have no make up on and look hideous, I may use it as my photo in my album (if it ever comes ;-)).
love those binkies |
I decorated the house a bit more today, and now I am down to two boxes with Christmas stuff that I still need to decorate with. It will need to wait for another day though.
Today we Skyped with my mom and dad. B. loved showing off the Christmas tree to them and telling them about her day with M. Next time I hope I remember to take a photograph of the Skyping so that I can record that in my December Daily album (wait for it....wait for it....if it ever gets here). ;-)
The Hereios are all about candlelight today, so I lit a candle and placed it in front of the tree for a bit of bokeh.
But my favorite photo of the day is this one that I took with my iPhone. While we were trying to cook supper, B. insisted on putting just about every "pretty" that she owns in her hair at the same time. This isn't the first time she's done this, but it's been a while. Then she wanted to see herself in the mirror. I liked the way you could see two of each of us, at different angles, because the doors to the medicine cabinet were open slightly. So, I had to take this photo. Fun!