
Thursday, March 8, 2012

~ instagram ~

This week is a week that is always quite out of balance; class late Tuesday, parent-teacher conferences late Wednesday and Thursday.  But my one little word continues to find me.

Taken while reading the "I Quit Sugar" eBook

Thank goodness for iPhones (and I'm LOVING instagram)!  I would've completely messed up my 365 project without it this week!

Next week, spring break!  We aren't going anywhere in particular, which means I get to be home!  My goals:
1.  Complete at least one layout (more would be deeee-lish)
2.  Get some photos printed and organized, ready for layouts
3.  Work on a few household organization projects
4.  Do a little work (but not too much)
5.  Work on my March prompt for OLW
6.  Last but most important, spend some time with B. and C.

Follow me on instagram, I'm orangegearle, dontcha know!

eBook can be found here

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