
Sunday, June 24, 2012

~ to manifesto or not to manifesto ~

It's all the rage, I'm sure you've heard of it.  Seems like everyone is doing it.  Ali, Elise, Kirsten, to name three.

..::The Summer Manifesto::..

It seems like many of the summer manifestos popping up in my blog reader are inspired by or have some connection to the great Ali Edwards.  (Remember, I am totally addicted to Ali Edwards and Elise Blaha Cripe).  But, believe it or not, as wonderful as they all are, I am NOT going to create a manifesto!!  Why? Well, it's almost the end of June, for one reason!  Here are a few others...

Why no Manifesto :: (say that out loud, it's awesome)
  1. I have such a difficult time making decisions that by the time the list was finalized, the summer would be over!
  2. I am overly optimistic about what I can accomplish and it is quite likely that the list would be far to long!
  3. I hate it when I don't finish things.
  4. Taking classes and finishing up stuff at my job takes most of June, so July is really my only month that isn't super busy and I hope to spend it with Bea and friends in a flexible manner.
So what instead :: there is always an instead
I decided that I would simply attempt something new in most (if not all) of my projects this summer.  I mentioned it briefly in my last post, but now it's officially part of my non-manifesto (which technically is a manifesto, but pretend with me).  I hope to be able to do something, even small, in each of my projects to stretch myself.  I think that's doable, and fun!

Preview :: something I'm working on

This was meant to be a practice piece! However, I think I'm going to have to use it in some way because I like it! I'll wait to add it to my list of "new' attempts until it actually makes it in to a project, though.

Paint (new) + mask (new) +  spray ink (new).

Fun!  I like this new, non-manifesto!  What special summer goals are you working on? Did you write a summer manifesto?   

..::non-manifesto progress::..
stamped on washi


  1. Loving the sneak... and I am with you... I think it would stress me out too!!

  2. I am doing a winter holidays non-manifesto of drinking more water, doing yoga every day & trying not to stay in bed all morning on Instagram. Well I am doing good on 2 out of 3 of those goals.
