
Thursday, January 31, 2013

..:: currently ::..


Currently, I am...

appreciating the geese that fly over every evening.

thankful for my mother.  She is wise and kind.

excited about the rug she made for my literacy room at school.  I cannot wait until I get it (you know I will share pictures).  She made it to match my awesome table.  :-)

frustrated with pacifiers, potty training, and sleeping issues. We think B. is going through a growth spurt.  It actually looks like she has grown the last few weeks, but also her sleeping and eating patterns are changing.  Those changes are causing growing pains around here (and circles under our eyes).  Will she figure out care about this potty training thing...EVER?  She can...but she doesn't.  Argh.

amazed that we will be registering B. for four-year-old preschool soon.  YIKES.  Not ready for that.

remembering when my older daughter, H. was three and a half, seems like just yesterday, but it was twenty-one years ago.  She didn't have the pacifier or potty training problems...but oh the sleeping! :-)

spending way too much time getting to know my bathroom lately (but feeling better now).

appreciating snow days with B.

anticipating spring, but thankful for right now. Snow. If it has to be cold, I love the snow.  I love B. in the snow. I love the magic of a new snow. My One True Love doesn't really like the shoveling part.  I appreciate his shoveling.

loving my Soul Mate more than ever.

wishing we could figure out this moving thing.

experimenting with my camera and Photoshop again.  I'm feeling like I'm getting in the groove with my 365 project!

playing with a new iPhone app (Vine).

satisfied with my progress toward my Pinterest Challenge and Layout Mission.

finishing the January prompt for Ali Edward's One Little Word class.

enjoying this prompt. So. Much.

excited for the OLW blog hop tomorrow!  Join us!

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